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Our Quality Peanuts
Blanched Peanuts
In-shell Peanuts
Red Skin Peanuts
Lungkow Bean Vermicelli
Our Dried Fruit Products
Dried Strawberries
Dried Cherries
Dried Applerings
Bulk Wine
Entry Level Wine
Mid-Price Wine
Reserve Wine
Some of Our Other Products
Yellow Peas

Bulk Wine We work with several of the largest producers of wines in all of the United States. These producers have many varietals of bulk wines available for export. Each blend is custom made for our customer's particular demand. This bulk wine business allow Eastrend to provide varietals that may not be available in our customer's market which can then be bottled and labeled under their own particular brand. The customer can expand their own product offerings by utilizing Eastrend's buying power and relationships.

These wines are shipped in increments of 24,000 liters in a "Flexie" bladder in a 20' container.

Please contact us for current market prices.